I was browsing slashdot the other day, and noticed an interesting story that I wanted to upvote, which requires logging in. Interestingly, there's an openid option:
OpenID is a standard that allows you to reuse a single identity on different websites (or any other service that requires an identity). Chances are you already have an OpenID. For example, if you have a google account, then you can use the URL http://www.google.com/profiles/yourusername as an OpenID. There are many more OpenID providers like Yahoo, MyOpenID, AOL, LiveJournal, Wordpress, Blogger, Versign, etcetera.
Currently I have 130 user accounts on the web that I have bothered to keep track of. The idea of OpenID is that you no longer have to create hundreds of accounts, each with their own user name and password (or worse, the same password). You just enter your OpenID, and the OpenID provider takes care of authenticating you.
Stackoverflow gets it right
For an example of OpenID done right, try the
stackoverflow login page. See how easy that was? No passwords, no confirmation mails, just reuse your existing identity by clicking the icon of your identity provider. As Steve Jobs would say,
isn't that wonderful?
Slashdot gets it wrong
Unfortunately, when you log in with your OpenID in slashdot you are greeted by this:
In other words, you still have to create a username and password specifically for slashdot. Worse, even if you do that you still cannot login with just your OpenID. What gives?
Facebook gets it wrong
You can go into your facebook Settings - Account Settings - Linked Accounts - Change - Add Account and enter an OpenID there. If you then log out and try to log back in to test it, there is no OpenID option on the login page. WTF? On a hunch, I then just retyped the facebook URL in my browser address bar and it looked like I was already logged in.
A little more investigation shows that facebook relies on a cookie that links your browser to your OpenID, and tries to log you in transparently with that information. Since I have configured my browser to only keep cookies between browser sessions for a small white-list of websites, this doesn't work for me at all. Even if I add facebook to the white-list, I won't be able to use my OpenID to log in on other computers. FAIL. I guess just putting a "Log in with OpenID" button on the login page would have been too easy.
Dealing with lack of OpenID support
OpenID support is growing, but the majority of web sites still don't support it or implement their support very poorly. Others only support OpenID as an identity provider and refuse to accept identities from other providers.
To deal with all these sites that still require passwords, most people reuse the same password over and over again. This is terrible security. Any of the sites that you use could have a malicious admin that may like to sell username/password combos to the highest bidder. Or maybe the website admin isn't malicous, but the user account database might store passwords unhashed and could be compromised.
Personally I use the cross-platform KeePass application to maintain a personal encrypted database of passwords. The database is protected by a single master password (or passphrase). I put mine in my dropbox folder, so I have access to my passwords on each PC I use. Even better, if you stick to version 1.x the database is compatible with KeePassMobile so you can carry your passwords with you on your phone.